Elías, un hombre débil y cobarde, termina con su dominante novia Lorena, una vegana radical obsesionada con las filosofías orientales. Poco después, visita a una prostituta donde parece contraer una virulenta enfermedad de transmisión sexual que empieza a destruirle física y mentalmente. No obstante, pronto descubrirá que su condición es el producto de algo mucho más siniestro y oscuro.
Weak and cowardly Elias breaks up with his domineering girlfriend Lorena, a strict vegan who is obsessed with eastern philosophies. Soon after, Elias visits a prostitute and seems to contract a virulent sexually-transmitted disease that begins to destroy him both physically and mentally. However, he will soon find out that his condition is the product of something far more sinister and dangerous.Escrito y dirigido por
Written and directed by
Daniel Castro
Protagonizado por
Javier Oviedo
Isabel Jiménez
Diana Parra
Julio Suárez
Doblado por
Dubbed by
Stefano Bonzi
Maica Michi
Valentina Esposito
Nicola Lanci